Maqueta Finalizada – Hospitalets de Balenya


2 responses to “Maqueta Finalizada – Hospitalets de Balenya”

  1. sdiegub says :

    Huge work! wow!
    I choose the same project for an exam at my university.
    I have to show this building on a plane with shodows but unfortunately I figured out that the plans I scanned from «El Croquis» are in some way distorted and don’t match each other.
    How did you get the plans in order to make this model?

    Can you help me?!
    I would be very thankful

    Diego Pérez

    • guayaba0309 says :

      Hi Diego. This was a project we made in group. The purpose of the job was to create a model of the Hospitalets of Balenya of Enric Miralles by our best understanding of the project. It was very difficult the making of the model because like you said some of the drawings we found never match each other. What we did was that one of the partners of the group made a 3D model of the civic center and with that we create the model.

      I would be glad to help you. Provide me your email.


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Vivoart [arquitectura]

"Las grandes catedrales han sido construidas por convicción, no por opinión." - Henri Heine